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Know How To React When Someone Insults You?

how to react when someone insults you
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We live in a society where we meet many people in a day, like our friends, family, and our colleagues. You may face insults from someone, but do you know how to react when someone insults you?

Don’t worry. Today, in this post, I will tell you how to deal with this kind of insult. I am sure you will learn valuable things from it, so please read the post till the end.

Why do people insult you?

First, let’s understand why do people insult you?

There are several reasons for it, and we will discuss those reasons in the below points.

1. Insecurity

I observe that people insult because they feel insecure. I will clarify this by giving an example.

When I was working in a company, I observed that when someone is doing better than others, people start to criticize them. Because they are going ahead of them, and they feel insecure. They think that they are not getting enough attention. Hence, they start to insult that person.

I hope you may have also seen these things while working.

2. Jealousy

When someone gets success, then people start feeling jealous of them. They think, how did he become so successful overnight? But they don’t know the hard work he did to reach that point.

Hence, jealousy is one of the reasons people insult you.

3. Lack of knowledge/understanding

I have seen that people argue even when they don’t have any knowledge/understanding of that particular topic, that can also be the reason they can face insults from others.

Hence, you should avoid saying anything without having a piece of proper knowledge of that topic. Half knowledge is dangerous.

4. You are less powerful

Strong people misuse their power and try to rule less powerful people. You can comprehend this by an example.

If you are working in a company, you may have seen this situation. Even if you are not wrong, you may have heard harsh words from your higher management. Why? Because they have the power to hire and fire an employee.

Sometimes to be less powerful can be a reason for your insult.

5. To satisfy their ego

Sometimes, You might make fun of someone, and as a result, their ego gets hurt.

Hence, to satisfy the ego, they will insult you in return.

6. They want to feel superior

I have seen people who neither dare to compete with others nor accept any challenges in their life. Such people never try to improve themselves. They usually make fun of others.

They feel if they make fun of someone better than them, they will become superior. But it’s not true. Hence, don’t pull someone down. Instead, make yourself better.

7. They want to look cool

People think that making fun of someone looks cool. If they make fun of someone, people would love and follow them. They will get people’s attention. But it’s not true.

Someone can feel bad about it, and you can lose your reputation too. Hence, we should avoid it.

How to react when someone insults you?

Now you know the reasons why people insult you. Then it will be easy to deal with these kinds of situations.

So without further ado, let’s see how you can react when someone insults you.

1. Ask yourself, Is the response necessary?

If someone insults you, then you should keep yourself calm and think. Is your response necessary?

Because sometimes we react on someone and after some time we regret it. The reason is we respond with a wave of anger and without thinking. Hence, we feel regret later.

Hence, I would suggest whenever someone insults you, take a pause and think, is your response necessary? It will protect you from unnecessary guilt.

2. You can respond by using humor.

If someone insults you, you can respond by using your sense of humor.

When you have a good sense of humor, you find fun in every situation and don’t take everything very seriously.

Your sense of humor can protect you from getting insulted. I have seen that when you respond to someone with your sense of humor, then that person will think twice before insulting you again.

3. You can ignore them.

If someone is insulting you in a funny manner, then you can ignore that case. You don’t need to be hyper and start reacting to that person.

But remember, you can’t ignore every insult. If people cross their limits, you will have to take your stand.

If that person is close to you and you can’t go away from that person. You can communicate with that person and say that I don’t like these things. Hence, please don’t do this again and again.

You ignore every insult which is not funny and doesn’t say anything to that person. That means you are permitting that person to insult you again. Hence, understand when you need to ignore and when you need to take a stand.

4. You can take it as feedback.

Sometimes people speak the truth, but we don’t see our mistakes, and we feel that they are insulting us. But we should think about it.

If that person is speaking the truth and it’s your mistake, then you can take it as feedback and try to improve yourself.

Even that insult motivates you to change your life for the better.

Never forget your insult. It has seeds of your success.

– Vandana Saini

5. Reply by taking action.

If people insult you, you don’t need to answer every time. Instead, you can amaze them by taking action.

If the reason for your insult is that you can’t do anything, and people are making fun of you or insulting you. Then you should take action and do something.

Once you achieve something, then automatically, they will get the answer.

Success is the best revenge.

– Frank Sinatra

6. You can pass them a smile.

If people insult you, but it’s not relevant to you, then you can pass them a smile.

People make fun of you because they want to irritate you and want to feel superior, but if you will pass them a smile. They will not get the same reaction that they were expecting from you.

So this is how you can protect yourself, and they will get irritated.


So today, we have discussed the topic “know how to react when someone insults you?”

Here, we have learned that what are the reasons people insult you? And how to react when someone insults you?

First, understand the reasons why people insult you? Then you see how you can react in that situation. But don’t react without thinking. Otherwise, you will regret it later.

I hope this post was helpful and that you learned something from it. Please let me know in the comment box below that have you ever faced an insult? And how did you tackle it?

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