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How To Wake Up At 4AM Everyday In The Morning?

how to wake up at 4am everyday
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Do you struggle to wake up early in the morning? Even after trying your best? Do you give up on waking up early and start to wake up at any random time? It happens to me as well. And after long research, I have found a solution to this problem. Today I will discuss, how to wake up at 4AM everyday in the morning?

I know it’s a difficult task for us and an issue globally. But after reading this piece of content today, you get driven toward waking up at 4 AM in the morning. But for that, please read the full article without skipping it.

Spirituality behind waking up at 4AM everyday in the morning

The spirituality behind waking up at 4 AM every day is that it’s the sacred time of God, also known as Brahma Muhurta. It lies between 4 AM to 6 AM. But the essential spirituality is that you get extra time. You witness the sun when it rises.

Early morning 4 AM timing is the most positive and energetic time of the day.

Now that you are clear, with the spiritual fact of waking up at 4 AM. So let’s move to our next point, the benefits of waking up early in the morning.

Waking up at 4 AM benefits

You won’t believe that there are incredible benefits of waking up early. The supreme one is you get ample time throughout the day. You can utilize this time for different personal grooming activities.

Waking up timely and early motivates you to stretch your body and do a workout. Besides this, when you feel relaxed, you often feel like discovering or reading some new things. Altogether, it brings out a lot of positiveness in you.

It’s a time frame when you will get the most creative thoughts in your mind. And the more creative person, the more productive person you will be.

Waking up early morning will enhance your concentration power as it’s the quiet time of the day. You can meditate without any disturbance.

Waking up soon will benefit you physically as well as mentally. It will improve your health and make you mentally strong.

Let’s discuss how to wake up at 4AM everyday in upcoming portion of the content.

How to wake up at 4AM everyday in the morning

I have listed 17 easy steps that show how to wake up at 4AM everyday. If you follow them strictly, you can effortlessly wake up early every day. These lists have before bed as well as after waking up tips. And both of them are necessary for waking up early.

So let’s get started without further delay.

1. Analyze your sleep time

Observe and analyze yourself to find how you can wake up at 4 AM. Do not think much about the sleep timings. You can decide a time and go to sleep.

It may happen that initially, you will not feel sleepy at the same time. And it’s pretty obvious. Hence, don’t get demotivated and stick to your habit.

2. Set alarms

I won’t recommend you to set an alarm, but it is necessary for the starting days. Until you are not used to it, you will need an alarm set for the correct time.

I recommend you place a piece of refreshing alarm music which will revive you as soon as you open your eyes. But please keep it away from your bed so you will have to get up and dismiss it.

3. Stay away from all the electronic gadgets

Please keep a distance from electronic devices like mobile phones, television, systems, or laptops. Prior 2 hours before going to bed.

These devices emit blue light that gives our mind signals through our eyes. Due to this, we feel like its day time and struggle to sleep.

4. Do not snooze your alarm

Do not snooze the alarm. You might do this and then go to sleep again and miss waking up at your decided time.

Avoid such silly mistakes when you are in your subconscious mind.

5. Have a glass of warm milk

Your body does some physical activities throughout the day, and many muscles are involved there. Drinking a glassful of warm milk before bed helps relax those muscles and gives you a deep sleep.

That’s how you will be able to complete your nap and wake up early in the morning.

I would also like to add that avoid all caffeinated beverages post afternoon. Beverages containing caffeine will stop the production of the sleep hormone Melatonin. And as a result, it will not only affect your body but also affect your sleep.

6. Meditate

Meditate for a few minutes when you are on your bed. It takes nothing but your concentration and breath. It also helps you reduce your stress.

Furthermore, it will improve your sleep quality and energize your brain. And you will wake up in the morning with a relaxed mind.

7. Read books before bed

Reading books will help you sleep early. Reading books after meditation will give your brain some positive pieces of information.

When we sleep, our brain utilizes this information and does the needful things at the backend.

8. Practice positive affirmations

Practicing positive affirmations will strengthen your mind, and you will connect directly to the universe. Practicing positive affirmations before sleep will help you relieve stress and provide you with good sleep.

Offering gratitude before going to bed will lessen the burden on your mind.

9. Plan your upcoming day precisely

Planning your day well in advance gives your mind signals about your responsibilities. When you sleep, your brain will calculate and store your task list in your memory, and this will help you wake up early in the morning.

Make sure you prepare a time-oriented and quality-oriented task list and follow it strictly.

10. Provoke urgent tasks for the morning

Plan your crucial work for early mornings. Doing this will remind you that you need to wake up, or else you might miss the deadlines.

By the fear of missing the deadline, you will not go to sleep again, and continue waking up and getting ready.

11. Ensure you have a comfortable bed

Make sure you make a comfortable bed before going to sleep. If you want an undisturbed nap, you must have a proper bed. An uncomfortable bed will end up with body aches and sleepless nights.

I am sure you don’t want this to happen to you also. So make your sleeping zone neat and comfortable.

It will also help you in getting a night of quality sleep. And you will wake up feeling fresh.

12. Ensure that your room is silent

Before going to bed, make sure there is a pin drop silence in your room. The loud noise of television and music can disturb your sleep. And you might get attracted to the sound and music and ignore your power nap.

It can misguide you from waking up early morning.

So if you have decided to wake up at 4 AM, stay away from such things.

13. Ensure that you have less light in your room during nighttime

As I discussed in point 3, mobile phones emit blue light. Similarly, when your room has a good amount of light, your brain feels like it’s daytime.

And then it gets a signal that this is not the right time to sleep.

Hence, to avoid distractions, you should have a blacked-out room while sleeping. Your brain gets alert that it’s night, and you should sleep now.

14. Count till 5 rule

Now that your alarm rings at 4, you dismiss it. Then immediately start counting till 5. Once done, jump out of your bed.

It will help you avoid sleeping again. Because many a time, we think that let’s stop the alarm and close our eyes for 5 minutes more. But when you wake up again, it’s hours since you slept back. And like this, you end up waking up late.

15. Get out of bed

No matter how sleepy you are feeling. You should have strong willpower. And it’s tested when you jump out of your bed.

So to go with your decision to wake up early, you should come out of your bed.

16. Start the day with enthusiasm

As discussed, set refreshing alarm music. Start your day by cheering up your mind. Start it with positive energy. Offer gratitude to God for blessing you with another beautiful morning.

Wake up with a smile on your face. Prepare your mind for all the tasks that you planned for the day.

17. Do some energetic activities

Avoid using mobiles as this can give you stress at the start of the day. Instead, plan a morning routine. Do some exciting activities like stretching your body, taking sunlight, enjoy some gearing music.

Grab the opportunity of the extra time that you got. Go jogging or walk. Take a walk in the garden and enjoy gardening.

All the above things that I have discussed will assist you in waking up early.


So today, we have discussed The spirituality behind waking up at 4 AM, the benefits of waking up at 4 AM everyday in the morning, and I have also shared a few tips on how to wake up at 4AM in the morning without hesitation.

As Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” And it’s followed all over the world.

Never forget our ancestors were also early risers. And the type of routine they follow is sometimes missed by the new generation. Unsuitable pattern affects us not only physically but also financially.

There are many stories of successful people. And everyone had one thing common in with them. Guess what? They all followed a healthy morning routine. That made them productive in all aspects of life. And they grabbed their success by changing this one little habit of waking up early.

If the world can do that, we can also do beyond that. That’s the simple mantra of success, and you should apply it in your lives as well.

So, readers, I hope I was clear in explaining to you the concept of how to wake up at 4AM everyday in the morning. I feel that it will help you in many ways in the future. And you will follow every bit of the sentence you read dedicatedly.

Thank you for going through the post till the end. I would also like to hear from you about how you wake up in the morning. Share your wake-up stories with us, and we will be glad to get them from you. You can mention it down in the comment area below.

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